I specialize in a very specific type of everything.
This is the COVID-I-cant-get-out-of-bed way. · Fun (?) Google's been serving AI-generated mushroom photos 🫠 ADHD Standard Treatment vs CAM for...
PDCA vs OODA PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act, or Deming wheel, Shewhart cycle, control circle Designed to continuously improve a process or a system Plan:...
Won't bother with anything but images/infographics + links · + my thoughts and puns, hehe. You just DON'T, okay wait I love you Turns out emotional...
A node and another node loved each other, and made an edge... · Cold water for AI Growth rate of key innovations You know what happens in cold water?...
Brexanolone for postpartum depression Another take by Psychopharmacology Institute. Brexanolone is a synthetic form of allopregnagolone, a GABA...
AI flies a big-ass military drone (I like big drones and I cannot lie) Nothing particular on the algo: Autonomous Air Combat Operations team created...