Some links of the past


PDCA Cycle 3 What is the PDCA Cycle and how can it improve your processes?


  • Plan-Do-Check-Act, or Deming wheel, Shewhart cycle, control circle

  • Designed to continuously improve a process or a system

  • Plan: objectives, requirements, constraints and methods are defined

  • Do: a pilot project/small-scale test

  • Check: performance check and adjustments

  • Act: permanent change and forward propagation


The OODA Loop - The Decision Lab

  • Developed by "40-second" John Boyde, an air pilot. I've written about OODA, and once more

  • The faster and better you iterate + the more you disrupt your opponents' loops ⇒ the better you end up

  • Observe-Orient-Decide-Act

  • Designed to be adaptable to unpredictable and volatile situations

SHAP analysis as a base for AI interpretation

Aidan's Github repo with the analysis

Explaining Machine Learning Models: A Non-Technical Guide to Interpreting SHAP Analyses

Some quotes:

  • SHAP deconstructs a prediction into a sum of contributions from each of the model's input variables.1, [2]\

  • A machine learning model's prediction, f(x), can be represented as the sum of its computed SHAP values, plus a fixed base value, such that:

$$f(x) = base\;value + sum(SHAP\;values)$$

  • SHAP quantifies how important each input variable is to a model for making predictions

  • SHAP is a model-agnostic technique that can be applied to any machine learning algorithm

Waterfall plot

Waterfall plot

Bar plot

Bar plot

Beeswarm plot

Dependence plot

Perfect...pitch deck?

  • On average, founders need to pitch to about 40 investors over 12 weeks to close a round Shuaib (2024).

  • Traditional wisdom suggests some declines in investor activity during the summer months and around the Christmas holidays. While Holloway (2024) finds a lack of seasonality in VC funding based on the date of announcements

  • However, adding to the previous point, @VCBrags finds that a lot of VCs actually continue working during the summer, with no vacation

  • Investors look at your deck for ~ 2 minutes on average

  • In fact, the correlation between the number of investors you contact and the funds you raise is surprisingly weak (DocSend, 2024).

Psychedelics and PPI

No, that's Psychopharmacology Institute, not Proton Pump Inhibitors, ha!

Loved their intro to DMN:

  • Psychedelics disrupt DMN:

    • Consistent across various studies

    • Multiple psychedelics show effect

    • Intensity linked to experience

A nice overview on claustrum, a 5HT2Ar-rich zone that, based on different hypotheses, either integrates sensory input into a singular experiential flow (basis of qualia?) or switches between DMN and CEN (Central Executive Network).

An overview

Nicely disrupted...

So, in the end (I've tried so hard to write this post, but in the end it doesn't even matter):

  • Disruption of claustrum activity by psychedelics may contribute to synaesthetic experiences, too

  • It can also serve (wild non-neuro-broscience guess) as one of the inductors to neuroplasticity induction by 5HT2Ar activation, perhaps? E.g. "(the usual experiential flow is disrupted + excitability/stress are on the rise) ⇒ need to adapt to changing circumstances"

More links


A nice system for doing decks:

Welcome to Teleogenic❣️

Other places I cross-post (not always) to: